LENFER AUTOMOTIVE & TRANSMISSION 5471 260th St., Wyoming Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm LENFERAUTO.COM | (651) 462-2650 Randy Notto | OWNER BENEFITS QUALITY WARRANTY CONVENIENCE WORK DONE RIGHT SAME DAY SERVICE NO SURPRISES 100% CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OIL CHANGE SPECIAL $10 OFF STANDARD OIL CHANGE $20 OFF PREMIUM SYNTHETIC OIL CHANGE Includes seasonal check up Up to 5gts motor ol. Most cars and light trucks Vald only with coupon Cannot be combined with other offers Expires: 10/31/23 LENFER FALL SPECIAL $17 OFF REPAIRS over $100 $47 OFF REPAIRS over $500 Most cars and light trucks. Valid only with coupon. Cannot be combined with other offers Expires: 10/31/23 LENFER LENFER AUTOMOTIVE & TRANSMISSION 5471 260th St. , Wyoming Mon - Fri 8am - 6pm LENFERAUTO.COM | ( 651 ) 462-2650 Randy Notto | OWNER BENEFITS QUALITY WARRANTY CONVENIENCE WORK DONE RIGHT SAME DAY SERVICE NO SURPRISES 100 % CUSTOMER SATISFACTION OIL CHANGE SPECIAL $ 10 OFF STANDARD OIL CHANGE $ 20 OFF PREMIUM SYNTHETIC OIL CHANGE Includes seasonal check up Up to 5gts motor ol . Most cars and light trucks Vald only with coupon Cannot be combined with other offers Expires : 10/31/23 LENFER FALL SPECIAL $ 17 OFF REPAIRS over $ 100 $ 47 OFF REPAIRS over $ 500 Most cars and light trucks . Valid only with coupon . Cannot be combined with other offers Expires : 10/31/23 LENFER