bluegrass butterflies @the Mobile ArT featuring bluegrass performances by Thursday, June 6 at Afton State Park Friday, June 28 at William O'Brien State Park Thursday, August 15 at Interstate State Park MN all concerts start at 6:30 p.m. and are free with park vehicle pass learn more at brought to you by ART m REACH DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESs This activity s made possible by voters of Minnesota through a grant to ArtReach St. C oir fom the Mnnesota State Ata Bont thanks to legislative appropeiation from the arts and cuitural heritage Lnd WATER LAND & MINNESOTA LEGACY bluegrass butterflies @the Mobile ArT featuring bluegrass performances by Thursday, June 6 at Afton State Park Friday, June 28 at William O'Brien State Park Thursday, August 15 at Interstate State Park MN all concerts start at 6:30 p.m. and are free with park vehicle pass learn more at brought to you by ART m REACH DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCESs This activity s made possible by voters of Minnesota through a grant to ArtReach St. C oir fom the Mnnesota State Ata Bont thanks to legislative appropeiation from the arts and cuitural heritage Lnd WATER LAND & MINNESOTA LEGACY