
Rosetown Memorial American Legion was chartered on November 5, 1946. For several years we met in different establishments, and in 1956 we started a search for a permanent home. We purchased 11.9 acres of the Gangl dairy farm on County Road C. In 1957 we started grading the hill for the baseball field and the first phase of the building project. Around 1959 the baseball field was completed and the legion baseball team competed. That same year our Color Guard was started. Rosetown Memorial American Legion Post 542 incorporated in the 1960’s and on November 13, 1963 Stage one of our three stage building project was completed. Stage 3 construction of the main hall and basement below began in 1986 and the outside patio and deck was build in 1988. The baseball field has been add to the city park now and not part of the post, but the building pictured is still the same structure. Our Rosetown Memorial Post 542 Auxiliary was chartered on May 3, 1965 and the Rosetown Memorial Post 542 Sons of the American Legion was chartered in October of 1970.

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